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Peter Yazvac

UNK Football: 13th Annual Loper Backers Fast Approaching

Tickets, Table Sponsors & Donations Now Available

Kearney, Neb. – The 13th-annual Loper Football Backers Dinner and Scholarship Fundraiser is fast approaching and ticket sales, table sponsors and donations are now being accepted. This year's event is set for Thursday, April 20th, at Younes Center North in Kearney. Festivities begin at 5:30 p.m. and should wrap up around nine. All proceeds go to benefit Loper football; the event has raised over $2.2 million dollars the past dozen years. Loper fans can purchase a ticket for $50 or a sponsor a table for $500. The committee is also looking for Silent Auction donation items or a one-time financial gift to Loper football (both due by March 15th). The one-time donation will be part of the "Scholarship Ask" the night of the banquet.

On-line to buy tickets/sponsor a table - On-line to donate auction item/make a financial donation -

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